Shadows will breathe

Shadows will breathe
"Careful. Evil has a way of making friends with the good and dragging them into the darkness." ~ Dr. Al Robbins

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath has been a stranger to me.
I had long wanted to dive into her world, but something always kept me from it.
I prolonged our interaction for years.
I only quoted her in passing, ridiculously unfamiliar with the depth behind her quotes.
This year, that all changed.
I started my journey with Sylvia Plath back in January.
I was hooked.
I went out and got every single thing she has ever written.
And because of this, I am a changed soul.

Embracing Sylvia, her work, and her story is one of  the best decisions I ever made.
And now, I am down to that middle book in the pic below.
And you know what?
I cannot even open it.
I am afraid.
I am afraid because I know I will devour it 
- possibly in one sitting - 
and then that will be all.
Our courtship will be over.
Our journey finished.
When I am done with this read, there is nothing left.
No more Sylvia Plath to hold.
No more stories to visit.
No other poems to get lost in.
 And it makes me sad.
And it makes me not want to open that book.

But I know I must.
And I know I will.

Just not today.

Any Creepsters out there a fan of Miss Sylvia?
Share your love below.

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